domingo, março 22, 2009

Bed Slot ("and other stories"...)

... when it came to the bedroom a slot was required, through the floor, up the wall, straight through the bedspace. As the client Suzanne Frank notes with remarkable equanimity: "this inconvenient element... force us to sleep in separate beds which was not our custom." While the bed slot is the best known of the inconveniences inflicted on the Franks (...) just as telling is Eisenman calling them before the visit of Philip Johnson, the pupet master of American architecture at the time, and entreating Suzanne to remove their daughter's crib from the house. Eisenman's nervousness is almost touching; less so is his assumption that Johnson's architectural sensibility might be so offended by the invansion of everyday life into the perfected autonomy of the House (of Architecture).

O simples "achamento" desta história menos conhecida do "berço" e a compra (e a leitura) do livro já teria valido a pena.
(Acompanha, intercala, na perfeição, com a leitura do Architecture of the Everyday...)


Blogger alma said...

BEM ! promete ser HOT :)

11:45 da tarde  
Blogger AM said...

a da "falha" entre as camas é um clássico! :)
a do berço é que não conhecia :)

7:38 da tarde  
Blogger alma said...

:)a do berço :) já conhecia !!!!

ter que lidar com miudezas do dia a dia :)está no signo do "ordinário",o que não é para todos :)))))

8:02 da tarde  
Blogger AM said...

o signo do ordinário é fogo! :)

8:12 da tarde  

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