quarta-feira, outubro 03, 2007

Post-Rem Detritus (As sementes do Kualhas)

Para os que negam (mas não há como...) ou para os que (ainda) duvidam da natureza maligna (para a arquitectura) das sementes do Kualhas, recomenda-se a leitura desta entrevista.

Momentos seleccionados por ordem de entrada em cena:

We had used “PLOT” for 5 years, and now we had to find another catchy name. (...)
So, in Shanghai, we discovered that a sign we had done for a client actually looked like the character that means “People” in Mandarin. We then realized that the Mandarin word for “Big” looks remarkable like the word for “People”, but with a line drawn across it. It felt like destiny. (It felt like... flops - "estava escrito nas estrelas" - Santana Flops!...)

We wanted to use two Danish icons, two things from our childhood and our education – Utzon and Lego (Uau! "Utzon and Lego"!? Prémio de carreira Wark Mingley, já! Ai se a moda "pega"... o Siza que se cuide...)

Our manifesto is entitled “BIGAMY.” It’s about the ability to have things your own way, on your own terms. It was a manifesto for this essentially Danish approach. It was our way of saying fuck the budget, fuck the rules, fuck the context. (Fuck... BIG!)

E uma pergunta: "a radical in reverse" (um radical em reversão?...) é como (ou o contrário?...) de (a) "snowball in negative"?