Die Gläserne Kette (Bem-vindo à Blogosfera)
A (des) propósito de The Glass Chain, fui reler o "chapter 13" na "terceira edição revista e alargada" da "História Crítica da Arquitectura Moderna" do Kenneth Frampton. Um raio de uma "salganhada"... da Stadtkrone e outras "cidades coroas", ao amigo Häring, passando pela Escola de Amsterdão (e Roterdão) e terminando num quase post-scriptum com a Filarmónica de Berlim (obra prima do Scharoun e do expressionismo "orgânico" do pós-guerra), a "justificar" (?) o subtítulo: "European Architectural Expressionism 1910-25"...
O poder de síntese é notável, mas fiquei com aquela zonza sensação provocada pela acelerada representação das obras completas de William Shakespeare em não sei quantos minutos :)
Não resisto a reproduzir estas duas passagens:
Therefore the European is right when he fears that glass architecture might become uncomfortable. Certainly it will be so. And that is not its least advantage. For first of all the European must be wrenched out of his cosiness. (Adolp Behne)
(...) the energies of the group were channelled into a series of lectures know as "Die Gläserne Kette" or the Glass Chain. This was Bruno Taut's "Utopian Correspondence", which began in 1919 after Taut's suggestion that "everyone of us will draw or write down at brief intervals of time, informally and as the spirit moves in... those ideas which he would like to share with our circle".
O poder de síntese é notável, mas fiquei com aquela zonza sensação provocada pela acelerada representação das obras completas de William Shakespeare em não sei quantos minutos :)
Não resisto a reproduzir estas duas passagens:
Therefore the European is right when he fears that glass architecture might become uncomfortable. Certainly it will be so. And that is not its least advantage. For first of all the European must be wrenched out of his cosiness. (Adolp Behne)
(...) the energies of the group were channelled into a series of lectures know as "Die Gläserne Kette" or the Glass Chain. This was Bruno Taut's "Utopian Correspondence", which began in 1919 after Taut's suggestion that "everyone of us will draw or write down at brief intervals of time, informally and as the spirit moves in... those ideas which he would like to share with our circle".
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