Got These Chains *
I woke up this morning, and the world was gray.
Haven't seen the sun since they hauled me away.
The boss man says there's no use in trying,
He won't let me color outside of the lines.
Got these chains on me, And they're draggin' me down.
Got these chains on me, Hear that clanking sound?
Got these chains on me, Mister, hear my song
Don't say imagination is morally wrong
Drink of water, boss?
As long as I've been here I got nothing to show,
Try to make something but the boss says no
Wanna be creative but the man won't hear it
That big boss man, he's trying to crush my spirit
Got these chains on me, They won't let me fly
Got these chains on me, Won't tell me why
Got these chains on me Mister, hear my song
Don't say imagination is morally wrong
No, they won't let us dance or bang that gong,
Cause they say imagination is morally wrong.
* Phineas and Ferb Get Busted
Haven't seen the sun since they hauled me away.
The boss man says there's no use in trying,
He won't let me color outside of the lines.
Got these chains on me, And they're draggin' me down.
Got these chains on me, Hear that clanking sound?
Got these chains on me, Mister, hear my song
Don't say imagination is morally wrong
Drink of water, boss?
As long as I've been here I got nothing to show,
Try to make something but the boss says no
Wanna be creative but the man won't hear it
That big boss man, he's trying to crush my spirit
Got these chains on me, They won't let me fly
Got these chains on me, Won't tell me why
Got these chains on me Mister, hear my song
Don't say imagination is morally wrong
No, they won't let us dance or bang that gong,
Cause they say imagination is morally wrong.
* Phineas and Ferb Get Busted
Não há machado que corte
a raíz ao pensamento
não há morte para o vento
não há morte
Se ao morrer o coração
morresse a luz que lhe é querida
sem razão seria a vida
sem razão
Nada apaga a luz que vive
num amor,num pensamento
porque é livre como o vento
porque é livre
ora, poesia...
Poesia, ou o que fôr, rir com os disparates dos lambe-no-prato, não ouvir, não querer saber, tipicamente à pós português de Portugal (???), estou como o José Mário Branco no "FMI" - quero ser feliz porra, quero ser feliz agora, que se f... o futuro, que se f... o progresso.
A bem da sanidade mental.
Não se cansa de tanto dark mood?
Adoce a vida...
Got these chains:)
"tenho o dever de me fechar em casa no meu espirito e trabalhar
quanto possa e em tudo quanto possa,para o progresso da civilização e o alargamento da consciencia da humanidade "-FP
Cara Alma
pessoalmente, não tenho qualquer pretensão de sequer saber o que seja isso de progresso da civilização nem tão pouco "consciência da humanidade" (?).
Nem Deus...
dark mood? (algum filme coreano da última geração!?), um pouco mais de mel e eu seria (zás) abelha :)
o pingo doce vende absinto!? :)
o pingo só vende o trivial :)
mas pode começar a plantar "artemisia" no seu quintal :)
floresce ao lado da lavanda, do aloe vera e da papoila!? :)
(mais trivial do que eu m' ab-sinto...) :)
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