quarta-feira, julho 12, 2006

Breve História da Traição

I attended the Brussels congress as representative of the Ring. As such I had precise directives. The leaders of the congress - Giedion and Gropius (!) - did not accept this, and Gropius stabbed the Ring in the back, for he put up Marcel Brauer for election as representative of a German group, and thus eliminated me. This amounted to refusing to recognise the Ring as the German contingent of CIAM, and initiating another group instead. Gropius had earlier expressed the wish that Marcel Breuer should be accepted into the Ring, but an objection had been raised. Gropius believed that this objection originated with me, which was true, but I had made it clear that I was willing to withdraw my objection if I turned out to be the only one to object. I was not alone, but I refused to tell Gropius who the other were.
From the Brussels meeting you might gather that Gropius saw more value in the bid for international glory than in the continuation of the Ring, and in fact Gropius's action started the break-up of the Ring. This should clarify the action of Gropius and Giedion against myself in connection with the Ring.
In the wake of this power struggle, which incidentally outraged both Moser and Van de Velde, I expressed my personal lack of interest in being menber of CIAM, for reasons which should be perfectly clear - and I should perhaps remind you that I was never personally a member of CIAM in the first place. It is thus hardly appropriate to talk of one being thrown out under protest. It was much more the case that Gropius and Giedion trew out the Ring as represented by me. And they certainly had their reasons. For the campaign of the Ring, which incidentally had give the first impetus to the international congresses, was directly opposed to the autocratic manner of Giedon, who wished to promote only the line of Corbusier, and to eliminate the alternative position of the Ring.

Hugo Häring, "in a letter to Richard Döcker of 1948", conforme tradução de Peter Blundel Jones in Hugo Häring...