domingo, setembro 25, 2011

Arquitectura Especulação e Catástrofe

Some points should be made about the way architecture relates to economic speculation and catastrophe.
The City Center project garnered the big name architects, such as Pelli, Viñoly, Foster and Libeskind, and was financed by the most ilusory methods of packaged debt, some coming all the way from Dubai. As we now know these financial techniques created the credit crunch of 2007-9, an effect that may last for years. (...)
'Too big to fail' became the mantra for mega-debt, and so it proved again. In 2008, the biggest failures were bailed out by the governments of the West and, as they passed on the debt to the taxpayers, the mantra become, 'this is socialism for the rich and capitalism fot the poor', an immoral situation to say the least.

Charles Jencks, The Story of Post-Modernism

... é... é o problema com isto das mant(r)as... quando se tapa a cabeça (quando se acredita - e se vota em conformidade... - que a crise é "temporária" e que lá para 2013 já estamos a "crescer"...) podemos acabar por adormecer e acordar com os pés muito muito frios...
depois só não digam é que não sabiam de nada, ok...