sexta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2009

Militant Modernism

Militant Modernism (1), Zero books (2), Owen Hatherley (3)

1 - ... verging-on-erotic mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Rediscovering the enchantment of demystification and the sexiness of severity. (...) Brecht meeting Ballard to create the science-fiction of socialism.
2 - Mission Statement: To facilitate the expansion of poetry into mainstream culture by inspiring " working class poets " to write, perform and publish poetry both electronically and in hard copy formats.
3 - Owen Hatherley, has three blogs where he expounds on culture and architecture from an English Leftist perspective, sit down man, you're a bloody tragedy, The Measures Taken (which has longer essays than the previous blog) and the group film blog kino fist.

Do vinte e quatro, para o vinte e cinco, de Abril


Blogger alma said...

Bem !
isto é que é utilizar armas de destruição maciça

12:07 da manhã  
Blogger AM said...

precisamente :)
só para a alma ver como o odp não passa de uma barraquinha da feira popular adonde o am vai amandar uns tirinhos de pólvora seca

12:03 da tarde  
Blogger alma said...

se chama a isto tirinhos... :)

3:15 da tarde  

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